Würth France Formation must constantly adapt to the evolution of jobs and skills, especially in the trade and business management sector. Thanks to edtake, the pedagogical approach has been professionalized, making it possible to structure training content and considerably reduce the time required to create modules. Integrated AI facilitates the generation of courses that are more precise, interactive and adapted to the expectations of learners, whether they are salespeople, managers or business experts. The tool also made it possible to overcome certain technical constraints and to centralize training resources for more effective dissemination.
The adoption of edtake also allowed Würth France Formation to gain competitiveness, of achieve significant savings, ofincrease pedagogical creativity And of considerably reduce the time spent creating training courses. These strategic gains make it possible to respond more effectively to internal and customer requests, while guaranteeing a rapid increase in skills that are adapted to market changes.
“edtake has allowed us to professionalize our courses, to innovate in our teaching approaches and above all to save precious time on the design of our modules.”